
Billy Buttons, Alpine National Park. Photo by Gill Anderson.

Grampians National Park. Photo by Gill Anderson.

Applicants for membership should be retired and or former staff of Parks Victoria and other Victorian public land protected area management organisations (e.g. Philip Island Nature Parks, Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority, Traditional Owner Land Management Boards, Victorian Environment Assessment Council, Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action) with experience in protected area management or the management of environmental or heritage values or recreation in protected areas, including:
a) Planning
b) On-ground management
c) Program and/or project planning or delivery; or
d) Measurement and evaluation of management effectiveness

Once established, membership will be extended to the current staff of protected area management agencies. Applications may also be accepted from other people who can demonstrate a depth of knowledge and experience in protected area management but who have not worked for a public land protected area management organisation (e.g. persons who have worked in relevant areas of research or academia).

If you would like to join the Victorian Protected Areas Council, please fill in a membership application form. You will be asked to agree to abide by the Council’s Terms of Reference Draft.

Former staff are individuals who have previously worked in protected area management or the management of environmental or heritage values in protected areas in Victoria but are no longer employed in the sector.